Walk On

The Champions Who Walked Among Us

Work, A Poem by Pat Garcia





The day ends.

Work is undone,

Not yet finished,

It looms in the background,


Another day begins.

Work is undone,

No longer looming,

But pressing,

Demanding attention.

Oh, the joy work fulfills or robs,

The disappointment it brings,

When overtime must be done,

And work becomes the victor that kills love,

That has turned bittersweet.

Be safe this weekend.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia August 13 2016

Pat Garcia


  1. Thanks for this post, Pat – much food for thought here. Work becomes a monstrous factor in our lives when we allow it to add stress to our lives. It’s hard not to let that happen, but I should never go through life anxious about things over which I have little control.


  2. Great poem, Pat. Often the work place felt to me like being cuffed and chained into a corner with someone standing over me with a whip. Finding a place I enjoyed was often tough… as it can ruin the joy in life.


  3. Oh boy I relate to this Pat – expertly presented in a few words. Bitter sweet indeed.


  4. Enjoy your weekend, Pat! 🙂


  5. Great poem and words!


  6. Wonderful poem! It explains exactly as I feel. Yet even when my work is not finished, I still feel a see of accomplishment at spending hours working on it. Now if my computer would just develop a work ethic, it would be a near perfect day or evening.
    Hugs, Micki


  7. I love your exposition in sequence, with reflections, “…the joy fulfills or robs.” Sad to say, we must be dedicated to avoiding over-extension. Peace to you, Patti.


  8. sandrafingerut

    As Bullwinkle once said about the subject of work. Early to rise and early to bed may make a man healthy, but socially dead. My tweak on it is Early to rise and early to work may be good but feel like dirt.


  9. A very vivid poem, Patti. Thanks for sharing it!!


    • Thank you, A.J. Hope you are fine, my dear.
      Shalom aleichem,


  10. You definitely captured that feeling, the day-to-day grind of deadlines and chores. Well done, Pat.


    • Thank you, Jacqui. Sometimes we forget what a demanding taskmaster work is.
      Shalom aleichem,
