Walk On

The Champions Who Walked Among Us

Viewpoint: Precedent Historical Repetition

History is repeating itself. The age of Humanism is slowly marching off the world stage, but what comes next?   Precedent historical repetition says that sooner or later another nation will rise. After all, the human race has lived through the rise and fall of many great nations. History is repeating itself.

The situation among the cultures is precarious. The Iron Curtain is slowly rising out of its sleep and finding its home among nations that want to protect their economy and the pure ethnicity of their race. Cultural diversity is leaving the stage. History is repeating itself.

The rudimentary ordinances of nature are being disobeyed. What was once one plus one equals two is now one plus one equals whatever makes you feel good. History is repeating itself.

Over one million people are on the run. The number of people who have died so far on the ground, in airplanes, in the seas is heartbreaking. Men talked, yet children cry, children die, women cry, women die. History is repeating itself.

In every corner of the world, there is tumult. Philosophical antagonism demands closed borders.  An antagonism based on supremacy, it has plummeted us even nearer to a world war. It enacts to dominate, to make all men and women think alike. This antagonism has no mercy, no understanding, and no love. History is repeating itself.

“What are you doing, Child?” The Prophet asked.

“Watching the New Year come in over the earth.”

“Oh, that’s nice.”

“No, it’s not nice Prophet. It’s sad.”

“Why, Child. What do you see?”

“In every corner, I see children starving, women crying, human life wasted. Prophet, don’t people ever read about the past?”

“No, Child. That’s why History repeats itself.”


Happy New Year Everyone,

Alles Gute Zum Neuen Jahr Alle,

Bonne Nouvelle Pour Tout Le Monde,

Feliz Nuevo A Todo El Mundo,

Felice Nuovo Per Tutti,

L’Shana Tova,


Photo on 13-10-15 at 09.46







Shalom Aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Yes, Patricia, though I find the study of history fascinating it fascinates me how few learn from the study of history and that history is repeating itself.

    Thank you for this thoughtful post.



    Liked by 2 people

    • My Dear R,
      I thank you for sharing one of your thoughts. They are precious. Like you, I think history is fascinating. Why others do not grasp the importance that history plays in our lives, I don’t know. Sometimes I believe it is because each generation think that they will do it better or that they will not make the same mistakes. Unfortunately, they do.
      Happy New Year.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes, this is a dynamite post. History is repeating itself. Right now I’m thinking of the crash of the Roman Empire … everyone out for themselves instead of helping the people. It is a sad state of affairs. When will or WILL our politicians change? Happy New Year!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you my Dear Friend,
      You have asked a very good question. When will or WILL our politicians change? And I will stretch that question to include us all. When will we learn that the sad state of affairs starts not from without but from within. It is a renewing of the mind that all of us need.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. A word of the wise. Thanks, Patricia. Wishing you a truly happy and peaceful New Year filled with light and love.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Dear Friend,
      Thank you. I wish you to a happy and peaceful year with many delights that will fill your heart with love and joy.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This blog post is very powerful. I find all your posts strong in many ways. But this one is even stronger. You are starting the New Year with an explosion, aren’t you?
    Well written!
    Happy New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy New Year My Dear Friend,
      Thank you. To be honest with you, I don’t know whether I am starting the year with an explosion. What I do know is that I am moving towards goals that I want to see bring fruit this year.
      I too wish you all the best. May your writing continue to flourish and bring much joy to others.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Pat,

    A very blessed New Year! I’ll continue to enjoy your posts.



    • My Dear Jeanne,
      I too wish you a very blessed New Year! It is a pleasure knowing you and thank you so much for the praise. It is to the God I serve that I will lay that praise, because He is the author and finisher of my thoughts and my creativity.


  6. Joseph Rubin

    History repeats itself, certainly. Bad history and good history as well.
    Knowing our inner feelings, strong ones, will that directly solve problems in the outer world?
    We need to look back to military or negotiated victories over the past thousands of centuries, and learn what strategies have been successful to overcome great odds. We will also discover times when this approach worked for survival.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy New Year Joe!

      Looking back at past military or negotiated victories doesn’t prevent the senseless loss of life and migration of millions of people all over the world. In my opinion, that aggravates the situation as history has shown us. Maybe, we should start looking at others and treating others as we would like to be treated. Maybe, we should start respecting the fact that the breath of life is precious and no one here on earth has the right to extinguish another person’s life.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Joseph Rubin

    At the turn to a New Year, we pause to reflect upon mending our ways. This is a solemn reflection. Patricia, your post questions, “…don’t people read about the past?” If not, “That is why history repeats itself.” You say, “Maybe we should start looking at others and treating others as we would like to be treated.” Back and repeating itself in history, Mark’s Gospel (Mark 12: 30 and 31) was written, “And thou shalt love the Lord with all thy heart…” and “Thy shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Maybe we need to focus more seriously and effectively on educating the emotional and social beings of the young children, in all parts of this planet and across all cultures.


    Happy New Year Patricia!


  8. Hi there! I’ve been following your blog for quite a while and I’d like to nominate you for the Liebster Award! The award is designed to help people to discover new blogs and to strengthen the blogging community. If you would like to take part then you can find all the information about the nomination here: https://aurorajalexander.wordpress.com/2016/01/26/the-liebster-blog-award/
    My 11 questions for you are located at the bottom of this page. Thanks!


    • Hello My Dear A.J.
      So sorry for just getting back to you, but I have been participating in some writing contests with online publications and other things. Many thanks for selecting me. I accept and will put up the blog award this weekend.

      Liked by 2 people

      • This is great Patti. I hope your were the winner of your writing contests. You are so talented.
        Thanks so much for accepting the award. I think it is perfect for you, your gift and your blog! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hey thanks, Lady. I really appreciate your support. I’m working tonight as usual but getting ready to close down my computer.
        Have a great evening.


        Liked by 2 people

  9. I’m totally with you, and we can’t ecape the pain of wasted human lives, and the ignorance of policy makers, which, however, are limited by the politics of the day.
    I think it’s human nature that repeats its survival behaviour. Whenever livelyhoods, identities or self respect are threatened – it’s fight of flight. The stronger seemingly wins, but with the heavy price of guilt. Whenever there are victims, the persecutors and the rescuers constellate too. And we, each one of us, are capable of being caught up in any one of these roles, depending on circumstances. An awareness of this dynamic would go a long way towards stopping the easy reaction of blaming. It’s inner work, not favoured by many.
    The drama triangle shows up the dynamic, sadly not taught in schools.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Ashen. I do remember the drama triangle. Transactional Analysis has always interested me. Berne was, in my opinion, a forerunner in explaining people’s reactions in accordance with games. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of Transactional Analysis and what it entails or they don’t take it seriously enough. Thank you also for the link. I wasn’t aware of the fact that the drama triangle was developed by Karpman.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Powerful message we all need to hear, Pat. Sharing, my friend… ❤


    • My Dear Bette,
      Thank you. Your assessment of what I wrote means a lot to me, and I thank you from my heart for passing the word along through twitter.


  11. I thought I had commented on this Patti – perhaps it was on another link, but coming to it again it is as fresh and as relevant as ever. Freud wrote of the ‘repetition compulsion’ and it does not end until the pattern has been broken and we’ve learned from it … we’ll keep on repeating the same old same old until we learn that there is another way …Thank you again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Dear,
      You did leave a comment on another link. I posted this Viewpoint on almost all of my blog sites because I wanted to reach people and get them to think about what’s going on in our world. You have quoted what Freud said so adamantly and it is true “we’ll keep on repeating the same old same old until we learn that there is another way.”
      Thank you for sharing these words and I hope others will see them and open their eyes.

      Liked by 1 person