Walk On

The Champions Who Walked Among Us

Inspiration Is Only The Fuel

Have you ever started doing something, got half way through it and then stopped, put it up on the shelf or thrown it  back, because you were dissatisfied with the progress? Have you discovered that beginning something new is easier than continuance and finishing it?  To start out full of inspiration, fresh ideas, and a long list of things to do is great, but somewhere along the line,  energy depletes, and the need to re energize, or get back that first love becomes necessary, or we burn out.

Inspiration gets you started on something  you want to do, but as you round the curve and look ahead, be careful or  you will  detour. Starting over or doing something new is inspiring. It inspires!  The fuel of  inspiration  gets the engine going in any new adventure, but  the oil of persistence  will keep you moving ahead, the water of encouragement will keep you from drying out, and the seed of determination  will help you accelerate.

So, be forewarned and remember the following the next time you hit a hard place such as:

.  Doubts

.  Lack of funds

.  Learning new technology

Social Media usage

.  Lack of instant success

.  Pitfalls cased by rejection

.  Fear of Failure

When inspired people move out and begin to tread the water, these  stones of opposition pop up and  stand right in the middle of their path.  Opposition will eat away at your inspiration, causing you to wonder whether you made the right decision. Strange things will happen,  and unexpected setbacks will come tumbling at you.  However, don’t give up.  Take a break and treat yourself to something good. Go out and see a funny movie, have dinner at a restaurant with a trusted friend, and let yourself be encouraged, go to a café and eat a pastry and sit and read as you tank up the determination to keep going. These things work miracle.  I know. I schedule a date with myself every Friday. There you will find me at our local café, sitting at the table before a large window with my iPad in my hand, a large cup of Cafe Latte and a tasty piece of Apfelstruedel (German Apple cake with vanilla pudding). For two hours or more, I forget what is and let my mind dream of what will be as I watch people walk by while I write in my iPad.

Never forget,  the people who keep walking along the path as they face and tackle the obstacles of opposition, which have been thrown in their way, are the ones who develop the muscles of persistence and determination they need to complete their goals.   Anyone can start something, but it takes a person with tenacity to finish it to the end.

So, Walk On!  The road ahead lies before you; around the bend success is winking at you, luring you to Walk On!


Pat Garcia


  1. John Heldon

    Great perspective and inspiration, Pat. Thanks


    • Thanks John. You know I used to wonder about my perspective. I beiieve I was born an optimist. Regardless of what has happen in my life, I have been blessed to see the positive. In my darkest moments, I have a little tiny light at the end of the tunnel and started walking towards it. I realize that is not a matter of fact but a blessing and favor that has been shown towards me, and I am thankful.


  2. Thanks Pat! I really needed that today. I love how you go to a cafe once a week just to watch peopel,write, whatever. What a great idea! ~ Peggy


    • Thank you Peggy for reading my blog. Believe me when I say, Fridays at that little cafe is one of the highlights of my life. It is really a German bakery and they have set up a small cafe inside of it. One can smell the fresh bread and dream.


  3. Well said!!


    • Thank you so much. I really enjoyed reading your story with the young boy and the baseball bat. It really made my day.


  4. Hi Pat,
    Thanks for your beautiful words of encouragement … like water to my soul!


    • Thank you Peggi. I receive so much encouragement from allowing inspirational words from God flow through me.
      Have a great day.


  5. Thanks Patricia,

    I needed to read this as I am both blogged down and getting discouraged with so much work and noo return. I’ll let you know when I need another pep talk–yours was excellent btw.

    You’re the best@2



    • Hello My Dear Micki,

      Unfortunately, I have just read your comment today because it was bogged down in my spam mail. I sincerely hope you are fine. Thank you so much and I really appreciate your reading my blogs. I have sent you a LinkedIn Email. It is self-explanatory.

